Ray Rediscovered

Created by OnePlusYou
BUY ticketshttp://www.naatak.com/currentevent.html

Symbiotic Metamorphosis

No, this is not a fantasy story... This is a narration of classic work by a group of volunteers for Naatak's 31st production "Patol Babu FilmStar & Other plays..." - an adaptation of some stories by Satyajit Ray... yes.. "the" Satyajit Ray!

Can we preserve the ambiance of his plays? Can we depict the emotions ? The finer nuances ?

Did I manage to draw your attention? Read on...

Armed with a set of talented cast & crew, we set forth to take on this project. We had a rigorous schedule of rehearsals, set design, prop procurement, set constructions.. of course all this involves planning and mutual cooperation between all the members involved.

We've come a long way in the making of "Patol Babu Filmstar & Other Plays"...

The coordination.. the rehearsals.. the tasks.. the challenges.. How is all this possible & accomplishable? 1 word - confluence

To answer our earlier question: We do our best to portray the plays. You be the judge.. the critique.. and the supporter. Come, watch our synergistic performance, experience the magic of Satyajit Ray and be pleasantly entertained.

A brief video of our adventures -


Get your tickets here.


Vomitory Discussions

Often times our patrons, friends and others ask.. "So, how do you come up with the logistics of sets, props, lights.. etc? What is the planning process?..."

Allow me to spark off a series of articles addressing these topics and I'll keep them brief.

All things must have a beginning.. about 3 months back we started with a play reading followed by sets, props, lights etc discussions. Everybody pitches in with ideas on sets/props or their alternatives ;)

Although time consuming it was indeed fruitful. We did end up with a list of tasks, to-dos and follow-up discussions. Watch this video for a synopsis.


The keyword here is "kickoff"

Come..witness our adaptations.. and characterisations.. watch us perform. Get your tickets here.