Ray Rediscovered

Created by OnePlusYou
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Symbiotic Metamorphosis

No, this is not a fantasy story... This is a narration of classic work by a group of volunteers for Naatak's 31st production "Patol Babu FilmStar & Other plays..." - an adaptation of some stories by Satyajit Ray... yes.. "the" Satyajit Ray!

Can we preserve the ambiance of his plays? Can we depict the emotions ? The finer nuances ?

Did I manage to draw your attention? Read on...

Armed with a set of talented cast & crew, we set forth to take on this project. We had a rigorous schedule of rehearsals, set design, prop procurement, set constructions.. of course all this involves planning and mutual cooperation between all the members involved.

We've come a long way in the making of "Patol Babu Filmstar & Other Plays"...

The coordination.. the rehearsals.. the tasks.. the challenges.. How is all this possible & accomplishable? 1 word - confluence

To answer our earlier question: We do our best to portray the plays. You be the judge.. the critique.. and the supporter. Come, watch our synergistic performance, experience the magic of Satyajit Ray and be pleasantly entertained.

A brief video of our adventures -


Get your tickets here.



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